How to turn your ideas into reality


Ideas are worth nothing unless you act on them.  How many times has somebody said to you “That’s a great idea, you should do it”.  What typically happens?  Most of the time – nothing.  The idea remains an idea because you don’t have the time, resources, money or courage to take action.  Turning an idea into reality is never an easy thing to do.  It’s your idea and no one will really understand the concept behind it, apart from you.

When I coach clients there are 3 common barriers that stop them from pursuing their ideas:

Fear of failure. 

Easily distracted.  

Want to do it but don’t know how to.

There is no better time to turn your ideas into reality, no matter how big or small.  We’re all guilty of coming up with a good idea and not fully following it through.  There are 3 phases to help make your dream a reality:


The key is to identify what you want to do, then get it down on paper or on your laptop.  Ideas don’t turn into reality overnight, they take time.  Keep adding to your notes over a few days/weeks, when inspiration hits you.  Ask yourself questions such as:

What is the purpose of it?

What is my end goal?

Once you know exactly what you want to create or achieve, then it’s time to move to the develop stage.


To bring an idea to life you need to develop it.  Any idea needs to be worked on, thought about and the detail dug into to.  I’m not one for writing page after page so I find using a mind map works really well for me.  I try to get all of my thoughts down on one page and it helps me establish where I want to go and what’s important.  Make sure you do market research and look at competitors if you’re producing a product.  Ask yourself questions such as:

What steps do I need to take to achieve this goal?

What resources do I need?

Where can I find information to help me?

What is the first step I can take now to get me going?


Only take action once you’ve developed your idea and know what steps you need to take to achieve your dream, otherwise you could be wasting a huge amount of time and money.

Your intentions for your idea must have purpose and meaning.  If not, the chances of you sacking it half way through will increase.  Purpose fuels your passion and makes your journey enjoyable.

Find your passion.  

Make a commitment to yourself.  

Smash it!

Take the leap of faith.  Make the Change.  Not tomorrow.  Not next week, but NOW.


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